Saturday, September 01, 2007

Family Day at the Minnesota Get Together

On Saturday, Mike and I met Monica and Jim and Anita and Rich at the State Fair. We haven't seen each other for a few months so it was good to spend time together and what better setting than the feasting capital of the state. Of course, we sampled lots of food - my brothers "loved" my money saving coupons... We checked out buildings and vehicles, watched the parade, and sampled "beergaritas" at the beer garden... oh and a real highlight was the DFL pavilion where we ran into Lanning and Barb (friends of Jim who are more enlightened)
Overall, it was a very good day - it was nice to be with family!

Princess Kay is an important part of the parade each day.

We posed for the camera; don't know why Jim doesn't want to be seen with us...

They actually have wine sampling at the fair this year; but I passed - $6 for an ounce or two of wine is a little rich for my pocket book ... and there wasn't a coupon! The honey ice cream was a favorite with Mike and Jim.


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