This summer, Mike and I have had many "firsts" in our lives. They (I never have known who "they" are) say that new things are good for you ... and they have been.
One of my firsts was to have an MRI - this I did just yesterday. My knee doc was afraid that I may have torn a part of my knee and so ordered this to see if surgery was merited. Turns out, my arthritis has just gotten worse on that side of my knee and surgery is not needed. The MRI itself was rather an interesting experience - so noisy I could not hear the music so I tried meditation and concentrated on one thing (no, I am not telling what). It actually relaxed me so much I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know the lady in the earphones is asking me if everything is all right - seems I had shaken. Anyway, new thing that was OK - actually an amazing tool for doctors.
Another medical first for us was Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Neither of us had ever been patients there and Mike took advantage of that opportunity in July. We had a very positive experience. People treated us well - from doctors to volunteers and we got in to appointments on time. After several trips to the clinic we found out that Mike just needs to be aware of a couple of things and have them checked every six months or so. Nothing to worry about at this time. People who are frequent visitors to Mayo will recognize this building. This view is from the 17th floor of the Gonda building.
Our great grand babe had her first boat ride this past weekend. On Sunday, Kaci, Sara, Amariah and Brian came out for brunch and then we went for a ride. I think Ammer looked pretty cool in her shades...
Another first for us has been golf. Since Bob has a 4-hole course that Mike has been maintaining, we decided we should probably start using it. When we were with Rich's family, we golfed together for the first time and since then we have hit a few balls just about every day. I think we might actually look for a set of used clubs - cheap, that is! Here Mike and his son enjoy some time together while Brian trys out the course.
I have also experimented with some canning this summer. A few weeks ago, I made picked beans for the first time and then I tried it again to see if I could get it closer to Mike's grandma's recipe.
And just this week, I have been using some of the last rhubarb from Corky's garden. I canned rhubarb salsa (not bad) and rhubarb barbeque sauce (really spicy). Later I will be trying a tomatoe salsa I think and who knows what else.
Another first for me was teaching Vacation Bible School. Mike and I decided to join the ELCA church in Cleveland, MN and when we talked with Pastor Shelley, she asked if I would be interested. After just a quick hesitation, I agreed it might be fun. As I confessed to my fifth grade boys, I had never even been to VBS, let alone teach it. But, I stayed one scripture reading ahead of them and the week went quickly. The 4 boys I started with became 7 kids by the third night - I consider that a compliment. Here my class share time with another volunteer who quized them and then feed them a snack related to the lesson - ever tasted a mustard seed???
More later!
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