The Best Part of Quartzsite
Everyone who comes to Quartzsite is there because of Sue and Dan from Kernville, CA and "The Ranch" in Wyoming. We all either know and love them or know others who know and love them.
(We first met them when Mike worked at the INDY 500 and have been friends ever since)
Barbie (Sue's sister) and John from Pine Top, CA - John had throat cancer this past year but is doing well now - what a blessing! Bonnie (has known Sue since elementary school) and Barry from Tucson.
Larry (kids went to school with Dan and Sue's kids) from Sparks, Nevada Renee and Angelo (longtime friends of Dan and Sue) from the LA area - Angelo had a tough couple of years and it was great to see them back!
Lael and Doug (friends of ours from MN) spent a couple of days and they both seemed to enjoy the bookstore... (Paul is definitely giving Lael the eye!)
(yes, he did lift the flap)
Karen and Mike (neighbors of Dan and Sue at "The Ranch") from Mojave Valley, CA and Farmington, NM
Diane and Tud (Mike worked with him at Geldners years ago) from Battle Lake, MN
Bobbi and David were introduced to the group last year. This year they bought a new motorhome while at Quartzsite and will soon be fulltimers.
Colin (longtime friend of Dan and Sue) and Cathy, from Lake Havasu, were there with two couples who are friends. (Colin is in the plaid and Cathy is talking to Bonnie in the 2nd picture) Of all the many activities and events and shenanegans, the salute ranked near the top. Barry bought a Marine flag and proudly mounted it on his coach. Someone (to remain unnamed) snuck over and replaced it with a Navy flag and then gathered the vets for a salute ... only then did Barry notice the change. Seems there is some rivalry between the Marines and those who were in the Navy...
And then later, Mike brought out the Army flag... Sunday night the group had diminished to 6 couples. As we sat around the campfire, we were approached by a young gal who introduced herself as a reporter from CBS. She asked permission to film us for a story on RVers that will aire next Wednesday on the morning show. We were not interviewed, only filmed as we sat and talked and enjoyed the fire... who knows if it will make it to the show, but it was yet another new Quartzsite experience.
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