Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cherry Creek Days

This past weekend was Cherry Creek Days in Cleveland.  Since that is where many of our friends live and since our home church is there, we feel a part of that community and  we got involved.  Thursday when we went for dinner at Jocko's, the weather was ominous; inside it was wet, too...

Friday night there was a pork chop feed and the crowning of the "queen".  A couple of our friends were candidates and we were anxious to attend... but with the motor home in the repair shop and me a mess, we didn't make it. 

Early Saturday morning, these three friends were hard at work selling homemade pies; where but small town Minnesota can you get pie and coffee for $1.50? 

The parade was well attended.  The Legion and

Auxiliary had a fine turn out.  Mike and I have transferred our memberships to Cleveland so perhaps another year, we will join these groups in the parade.

 Bill got the honor of driving the Grand Marshall of the parade.

And these beauties are some of the contestants for Queen - yep all the candidates were men!

Patty was there with "the clergy" from the Catholic Church in town.

Gloria looked pretty cool in her Miata.

What would a parade be without the Shriners

 Our church had a float this year; that is the pastor's husband catching the eye of the camera.

 The float was well done - what a great way to spread the good news!

Kaci and Amariah came over for a few hours.  It was fun to have them around!

There were lots of free activities for kids and Amariah and her cousin, Anaiah, enjoyed them all.

The hair color was a big hit!

And why is that kids love to "go fishing"...

Anaiah was fascinated by a hole in the tree - really wondered what might be in there...

Later in the day, there was a cherry pit spitting contest - we both entered - I'm glad I had the camera...
If Leo ever tires of his current occupation, he definitely has a chance at a city or state job...
Sharon and all the many people who put hours and hours of planning and working into Cherry Creek Days are to be commended; it was a success in my book!