Monday, May 03, 2010

The Southern Oregon Coast

Since last Thursday, we have been exploring the southern Oregon coast from the California border to Florence. All the time, we have been along the infamous 101. The drive up the coast was impressive. This was the view from one of the many pullouts.

Seems this part of the world is known for the historic bridges built in the early and mid 1990's. This is one of them - I shot a few pics as we drove across the long bridge and later converted one of them to B & W.

We spent a long weekend in Lakeside at a park along Ten Mile Lake. On a drive along the ocean just south of Lakeside, we discovered a beautiful formal garden with rhododendron and many other plants in bloom. There was a wedding taking place when we were there and what a setting for their special day. A young couple who were there to check out the spot for their own wedding took this picture for us.

And then we hit the ocean to see if the whales were out and about. They weren't but the seals were happy to greet us.

Then it was time to search out a lighthouse - one of many along the Oregon coast according to our tourist materials. It is actually in all three of these pictures...

The next day, the guys went fishing and Bonnie and I checked out the area to our north. Before the guys went out in the rental boat, they had to answer a ton of questions, leave a major deposit and get instructions... all this for a 15 horse motor on a 14 foot boat...

They didn't catch any fish, but they did enjoy the time on the water and it was the only day when it didn't rain at all; that is amazing! I went out with Mike for a boat ride in the afternoon and was surprised by a couple of things. I think the water may be a little high this year...

Look carefully, this is a floating restroom. Evidently they are located on most lakes in Oregon for the boaters' convenience... Now that was a new one to me!

Bonnie and I visited a Myrtle Wood store and learned about this unique tree that only grows in northern CA and along the coast in Oregon and in Jerusalem. Bonnie bought a small bowl and I settled for some scrap pieces which I hope to turn into something cool... And we saw two more lighthouses.

Today was a washout. Besides the weather being nasty, I have a miserable cold and spent most of the day in bed. Tomorrow we leave for Lincoln City for a couple of days (whale watching) and then on to Seaside for a week. More from the Oregon Coast in a few days.


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