Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Shaky Day, Shady Friends, and Situations

A Shaky Day
I have experienced my first Earthquake. It happened just 25 miles from where we were staying at 3 pm on Easter Sunday. It was a 7.2 on the scale and it was a feeling I will never forget. We were outside and I was sitting on the back end of the car when it starting pitching and shaking. I looked around to see who was doing it and realized that the motor home was quivering as was the very ground we were standing on. The trees swayed and the earth actually looked like it was rolling. The event lasted just 45 seconds (according to the media) but it was a feeling like I have never imagined. (For those of us who are products of the '60's the song by Carol King about feeling the earth moving and losing control has taken on a whole new meaning!)

Two days later, when we are getting ready to leave the park, the bedroom slide would not go in right away. It did on the second try. I mentioned this to the lady in the office and apparently we were not the only ones who had experienced this problem... gotta wonder what may have happened if we were closer or if it was stronger or if... I have had enough of earthquakes!

Shady Friends

Have you ever known people for awhile and thought you knew them pretty well and then all of a sudden you find out they have another side... Take for example, our friend Bonnie. Always thought she was kind of a straight arrow and then she turns into this BAD GIRL.

OK, so this was posed outside of Lutes Casino in downtown Yuma (a must see bar and grill) but just the next day she was seriously "detained" at the border for buying too much booze in the last few days... and I thought she was a light drinker... what do I know. Turns out that she is also way too honest and when asked if she had bought alcohol when she was in Mexico the day before, she confessed she had so she was hauled behind closed doors and made to dump a perfectly good bottle of Macadamia Liqueur down the drain.

And then there is her husband, Barry. When I took them to The Center of The World in Felicity, CA, he stood at the exact center and made a wish... and received his certificate suitable for framing...

And then made his way to the church on the hill and began preaching... really can't figure this guy out... thought I knew him...

Mike and I will be traveling with the JailBbird and the Preacher for the next couple of months... at least that is the plan as of today...

(This is the serious section of today's entry)
I have a charmed life. I was blessed with wonderful parents who gave me a nurturing childhood. I have always known the love the family. I now have a loving husband and caring friends and a lifestyle that is truly amazing. I have never been hungry or homeless or felt that my life was hopeless or that I was unwanted. I have always known freedom.

All people do not share my privileged situation. I took these pictures in Mexico as we waited to cross the border.


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