Monday, October 22, 2007

Kernville, California

When we left the Owens Valley, we headed south and slightly west to Kernville, the home of Dan and Sue. These are our "California Friends" that Mike met 5-6 years ago at Indy and that have visited us in Minnesota - we also spend some time with them in January at Quartzite. But, we had never been to there home before and the road there was very interesting.
After a couple of days of sightseeing with Dan at the wheel, we realize that these corner signs really have no meaning (and I realized that I can get car sick...)

Somewhere "up and over" is the small town of Kernville - and waiting for us there was "Dan the Pace Pickup Driver".

It is a good thing he was waiting, as we never would have navigated our home around the curves and up the hills without his encouraging arm waves telling us it was OK.

The next day, we went over a few hills and around a few curves and ended up at this wonderful place.

Mike and I are dwarfed by this giant redwood tree; this was the first time either of us had seen one of these famed trees and we were very impressed.

The small tree on the left was one we could not put our arms around so you can imagine the size of the "big one".

These three mammoth trees were joined at the base; Mike climbed up on the trunk to give you an idea of the size.

Do you see the angel off to the left? - Being amid these giant redwood trees was definitely a spiritual experience.

These are pics taken on our way back to Kernville.

Thanks, Dan and Sue, for this wonderful experience and for your hospitality - way too much food, but wonderful as usual! We are enjoying the chocolates from Dewars (a delicious old time joint in Bakersfield) and Mike dreams about the banana split.


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