Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We Have So Much For Which We Are Thankful!

It is way too easy to forget just how much we have in life. Isn't it great that there is a Thanksgiving Day to remind us. Some thoughts on the topic...

Mike and I lead a life that few people will ever experience; We are thankful for the opportunity to travel and see our beautiful country.

As we move from place to place, we meet all kinds of people; We are thankful for the new friends we have made and the long-time friendships we continue to cherish.

(OK, so it wasn't possible to picture you all... I opted for this feathered friend instead...)

Although oftentimes many miles separate us from family, we stay connected; We are thankful for our phones and e-mail and the kids, and grandkids, and moms, and brothers, and nieces, and all family who continue to stay in touch.

(Each of us see the moon from where ever we may be... and, of course, faith connects us always.)

Each day presents a new adventure; We are thankful for our healthy minds that enjoy learning and our (fairly) healthy bodies that allow us to work and play.
We are thankful for each other.



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