Along The Side Roads

Monday, June 23, 2008

You Just Never Know...

what a day will bring! I'll work backward and tell you about a few of our recent days.

Our friend, David, is (finally) retiring from the state job that he has for a long while. I understand he didn't really want a retirement party, but who listens to men anyway. Bobbi, his wife, managed to throw him a successful surprize party on Sunday. He really was a little slow in picking up on the whole thing; I think he was genuinely surprized and I know he loved it! This is a picture that Bobbi took shortly after he "got it".

We didn't stay long but there were lots of people there and I know the day was a success. CONGRATULATIONS, DAVID on your retirement. We hope you nothing but the best. As the card said, "We wish you a snagfree, weedless, and untangled retirement where your fish are bigger than your lure."

On SATURDAY, we hung around at the lake for "Take A Kid Fishing" - what a wonderful event hosted by Bob and Corky and coordinated by Sheriff Dave and the LeSueur Posse. There were over 50 kids who each received a rod and reel and a life jacket to take home as well as the privledge of fishing with one of the Minnesota Vikings - yep, there were 16 vikings present who fished with the kids, signed footballs and added a special touch to the day.

This was the group from the Vikings, mostly rookies I think, with a retired Vike on the right back and Sheriff Dave on the right in front. The young fellow in the front is the retired guy's son who participated in the day.
Here, one of the Vikes is enjoying a bit of "toilet toss" which is like horseshoe with, well you know.
It was a great day for everyone involved - my hat is off to all the organizers. I thoroughly enjoyed my job of taking pictures of each child with one of the Vikings; another souvenir for each child to take home.

On Friday (and many other days prior) Bob worked on cleaning the weeks from the lakeshore in front of his home - can't have weeds when the kids launch on the pontoons on Saturday. Now, who else do you know that owns a cranberry picker... yep, that is the machine that Bob bought at an auction a while back and now uses, with DNR permission of course, to clean out the weeds - it is quite a process! This is Bob picking up weeds - they go up the front and to a conveyor belt in the back.
Then the thing is turned around and the conveyor belt dumps into a shoot that takes it up to a waiting truck to be hauled away. Corky said they tried using it as fertilizer one year but the grape tomatoes got 2 inches in diameter and had no taste - probably not too healthy... So, now it goes "to the farm".

On Thursday, I spent a part of the day at mom's place. My neice, Pam, was there and so were three of her children. She had brought lots of plants for mom and then spent time repotting some flowers that needed new soil. Meanwhile, Kate (I'm 3), Elizabeth (I'm 4) and Joseph (I'm 5) enjoyed climbing in Great Grandma's tree.

What a pleasure to see mom doing well, get mom's and our laundry done and spend time with these three well-behaved children. Thursday night David and Bobbi came out for dinner and, as usual, the boys beat the girls in Sequence. We miss these sessions with FS and his wife.

A week ago Monday, Mike learned a new skill. In preparation for the events of the coming weekend, Bob wanted to get the golf course in good shape and, of course, he has the right equipment. Mike has been mowing the fairway for a few weeks and now has learned the fine art of greens mowing.

At least three machines are needed...
After a word of direction...
He is on his own. This machine is only used on the greens - take a look at the units in the front - they kinda look like old washing machine wringers - they each have a roller to bend the grass over after it is cut - who knew...
Last week, Mike mowed three times but that routine won't be repeated this week - too bad, I think he kinda likes it - Bob said he would give him a good recommendation if he wanted to add "Greens Keeper" to his resume...

In between, we had a couple of Dr. appts. and did the usual stuff people do, but gosh in this life... "You Just Never Know...

Monday, June 16, 2008

On Any Given Day...

When the sun shines in the morning hours, it is time for coffee outside and "On Any Given Day"...

"I never knew I liked oranges."

"Oops, that branch was slippery."

"So, we have to dine together, we don't have to like it!"

"Sometimes I just like to sit and let the air puff me out a bit."

"Oh, I do like fresh rhubarb for breakfast."
"This is a good hiding spot - why doesn't that lady leave me alone!"
"Not bad, I may have to come back to this place."
"Wonder what else they have here."

"I'm outa here."

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Birthday, Graduation, Father's Day and Remembrance

Friday was Mike's birthday and our good friends, Bonnie and Barry, came down to the lake. (The picture above was taken when we celebrated Barry and Mike's birthdays while at Lanesboro a few weeks ago. They do play well together!) After doing a few car things and having a light lunch, we planned to take a boat ride and enjoy Madison Lake. Well, as is usual this spring, the wind was blowing so hard that our plans for boating had to be postponed. (We have only been in the boat once since coming to MN!) So, instead we took a drive around the area, stopping for a couple of beers and some pull tabs along the way. We ended up in Cleveland, MN at Cherry Creek Days where there was a vintage car show and the volunteer fire dept. was putting on a pork chop dinner. There was also a silent auction and of course we had to get in on the fun. I was the big bidder ($12) on a designer throw, haircut and tanning session package - what a bargain! We enjoyed a couple of drinks at the Legion Club before heading for home - It was a really fun day! (Dan and Sue, you were missed and spoken of often.)

On Saturday, we celebrated the high school graduation of our granddaughter, Megan. This is Megan and her grandpa.

Since both of the great grands, Amariah and Brian, were at the celebration, we had to get a picture.

Here is the graduate with her nephew Brian, mom Tammy, and sister Ashley.

Congratulations, Megan! We look forward to the good things you will accomplish in the future!

On Sunday after church, we joined Terry and Janet, Chris and Sara, Kaci and Amariah, and Brian and Tammy for Brunch at Applewood in Mankato. Mike thoroughly enjoyed this Father's Day gathering - Thanks, kids!

Now on to the remembrance. June 14th has come and gone. June 14th was my Grandma Sadie's birthday and it is Flag Day. Grandma lived well into her 90's and has long been my hero. She lived a rather straight-laced life and was even a Republican... but I admired many things about her ... especially her patriotrism. She never saw a flag go by in a parade without standing and showing respect. I think of her whenever I take pictures of flags.

My father has been gone 15 years and Mike has not had a father for 14 years. Whenever Father's Day rolls around, we can't help but think of those two men. I have a picture of me at three years old sitting on my dad's lap - that picture sits on our desk and I look at it and think of him daily. Even after all this time, I miss him; he was a wonderful father and I hope I let him know my feelings when he was alive. Happy Father's Day to all Dads; those we see and those who watch over us from heaven.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Amariah Jaylynn was Baptised on Sunday

During a very beautiful Catholic Mass on Sunday, Amariah, our great-granddaughter, was baptised. Kaci, her mom, dressed her in a traditional long white dress and when the priest poured water on her head, she just looked at him - no tears, no squirming - what a good kid (and have I mentioned she is very smart!)

Here Great Grandpa Mike gets to hold her.

Amariah wore the same ring her Grandpa Terry had worn when he was baptised 45 years ago. That is his hand holding hers.

Chris, Kaci's big brother, and his fiancee, Sara, are the Godparents.

At the lunch afterward, Ammer entertained the troops with her varied facial expressions. Who knows what she is thinking when she made this face while sitting on Great Uncle Jerry's lap.

It was a great day of celebration with good company and good food.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fishin' and Foolin" Around in Southeast Minnesota

What a fun week we had at the "Old Barn Resort" by Lanesboro, MN. There was fishing and shopping and bike riding and talking and enjoying. The barn has hundreds of swallow nests under the eaves. How can you not like a place where iris is blooming...
There was a beer or two shared and at least a couple of bottles of wine... and maybe a Bloody Mary. We enjoyed gourmet meals by fabulous cooks (Yes, we ladies did a pretty good job) and fine entertainment when we dined in town (actually the 2 man group was so bad that Bonnie "got the eye" when she even attempted to be polite and clap).

The Bike Trail was lush and green with honeysuckle and phlox blooming. I put on lots of miles during the week and it felt good to ride a nice trail again - no trails in the south, only parks and roadways for riding.

This is the crew that enjoyed each others' company during the past week. Dan and Sue, me and Mike, Bonnie and Barry, and Pam and Bill joined us on the weekend. The picnic table is decorated with one of the empties... and a dollar store flower - classy outfit! This meal was interrupted when the storm clouds burst open - which happened regularly during the week.

When the guys weren't resting and stretching, (watching a race on the outside TV in this pic) they were catching fish? Look carefully and you might see a very small fish caught by Dan...
who actually excels at catching trees! (He really did catch bigger ones - fish I mean.)

Mike caught a trout or two in the pond and the creek. And Barry was fishing, too. (I was unable to capture his hand on a fish, but I am sure he really did catch one.)

Overall, it was a beautiful week. Thanks to all for making it a very enjoyable time.