Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Report

Fishing, a trip to the theater, and more fishing... what a way to spend a weekend.

When the weather is beautiful we head out of town to the park on Lake Taneycomo. While I take a walk or just sit and read, Mike fishes... he even caught a couple of small trout. In Missouri, you can fish with two lines so while one is in the water, he is changing bait on another. This very large bed and breakfast sits across the bay from the park and it is for sale; I think it would be a great investment Pam and Bill...

On Saturday, we went to the Andy Williams show at Moon River Theater. It was exceptional; he is still singing this old favorites and even doing some dancing. One of the benefits of working at Treasure Lake is being able to get into shows for free (assuming there is room). These tickets would have cost us $39 each. This is the marquee.

He did a monologue with The Bear (evidently the bear was a part of his TV variety show). He uses the teleprompters a bit, but hey, who wouldn't forget the lyrics once in a while; most of his songs are from the 60's!

This is the closing song with all the members of the cast. He has a full orchestra onstage at all times but you can't really see them in the background. Overall, very impressive!As you can see from the pics, Andy has aged a bit, but is still going strong; I am looking forward to seeing his Christmas Show. The Christmas Shows start on November 1 and go through mid December at most of the theaters.

Today, after church, we fished a bit and then drove out by a lakeside campground that has always impressed us. Yes, this is the campground you are looking at. This area has had a lot of rain this spring and summer and the entire area is still flooded. If you look carefully, you can see the roofs of shelters.
Normally, the falls are barely running at this time of the year. This was today.

Now we have two days of labor before we get another 5 day weekend... what a life!


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