Would You Believe...
we were lonesome for snow??? Our friends and relatives in MN and SD will think we are crazy if we admit to that. OK, so we weren't really lonesome for it, but we did encounter it on a roadtrip this past week. On Monday, we headed for Chiricahua National Monument over south of Wilcox off of highway186. We were in this area a few years ago, but my memory is short so we decided to check it out again. Back then, I thought that a monument was just a statue of some kind. Now I know that it is an area like a national park, but without the designation of a national park.
If you have spent any time in the Southwest you know that elevation is the determiner when it comes to weather. Here in St. David, we are at 3700 feet above sea level so this time of the year, it is typically around freezing at night and it gets to high 60's during the day. Just south of us is Tombstone, which lies at 4500 feet, and they will get snow where this area usually does not. Anyway, I digress.
From the vistas to the deer peeking at us from behind a tree, it was a beautiful day for this drive.
When we left the monument area, we found this road and decided to see where it took us. It wasn't long before the road changed - higher elevation again.
Then it was time to head back "up north" - through Benson and then to Tombstone, for our anniversary dinner at the Long Branch, and back home. We put on almost 300 miles that day - it was a good one!
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