Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Yesterday, we visited the San Diego Museum of Natural History for their special exhibit "The Dead Sea Scrolls". Since photography is not permitted, there are no pictures of this exhibit. But, it was amazing and if it ever comes to a museum near you, you need to take the time for a visit.

The scrolls were found in earthen vessels in caves in the Dead Sea near Israel in the 1950's and it is believed that they are authentic records from over 2000 years ago. We saw pieces of the actual scrolls and read the interpreted versions of The Ten Commandments and many verses that are now part of our current Bible.

One of the most fascinating parts of the exhibit showed the connectedness of religions. Excerpts from the scrolls can be found in The Koran, The Torah, and The Bible. As a people, we are much more connected than many would have us believe.

And I saw, what I think to be, a coin that is like my "Widow's Mite". The markings are very similar. It was from 80 BC and made under the rule of King Alexander Jannaeus. The time would fit with the information I have about this piece; it makes me even more proud to own such a find.

There was also a series of photographs that showed the similarity between Israel and San Diego; climate, land and water, types of plants and numbers of animals are all very similar. I think, someday, I would like to visit Israel.

The museum that hosted this exhibit is part of Balboa Park and there was plenty of opportunity for me to use my camera. This park is a must see for all visitors to San Diego as it has many free buildings and activities. Here is a sample:

This is a view of the reflecting pond from the Botanical Building.

Who can resist hummingbirds and Bird of Paradise?

The architecture is like "old Europe" in this park and makes for a beautiful background in pictures.

This tree is bare of leaves but has these beautiful brightly-colored flowers.

The cactus garden riveled the one at Ethel M's in Las Vegas.

It was another wonderful day off in San Diego!


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