Monday, April 21, 2008

Around The Next Curve...

Sometimes, in this lifestyle we lead, you just cannot and don't even want to guess what is "around the next curve". Let me tell you the story of our last few days.

While at the rally in Tucson, Mike had the spark plugs and wires replaced. Evidently, this is something that needs to be done periodically and we had never had it done... so when we knew that Keith from Redlands Truck Service was going to be there, Mike decided to have them do it. It only took about 30 minutes and it cost way more than the Bingo winnings!

Since we have known Keith for a couple of years now and we really trust him, Mike was talked into having them do something to the computerized system, Ultra Power, that's suppose to give us better gas mileage and increase horsepower... It, too, was going to cost half an arm, but we didn't need to pay for a year and if we didn't see any improvement, there would be no cost - how could we go wrong... (now don't jump ahead in the story, even though I know it is tempting because I am giving so many hints). Mike and I and Keith even talked about putting it on the weekly payment plan with 52 self-addressed envelopes supplied by RTS.

On Saturday morning, we said our good-byes to everyone we had met at the rally and headed down the road, actually up the hill, towards Globe, Arizona for a days of crappie fishing on San Carlos Lake.

When we were just a few miles out, I thought I heard something "pinging" but kept my mouth shut, cuz what do I know about motors and stuff. A few miles later, Mike said something about a noise and mentioned that one of the new plugs or wires may not be connected right. So, being the problem solver that he is, he formulates a plan...

We pull into a very new Frys Food Market parking lot; seems the lot was too new and there was still a bit of a dropoff by the turn. Sure enough, the back wheels catch, coach shifts and there is a hell of a crash in the kitchen. After I was midway through the clean up, I realize what had happened - a glass tipped over and opened the cupboard door and out slid the butter dish and three plates and they came with such velocity that the sink covers also ended up on the floor.

Meanwhile, Mike has found his insulated coveralls (it was 85 degrees and sunny so you can imagine how they felt) and has crawled under the engine of the motorhome. Actually, he is more like wedged between the wheel and the body of the MH and he is busy pulling the wires, putting them back, pulling the plugs, putting them back - well, you get the idea... Thank God the brakes hold and the jacks gave some stability. So, assuming the problem is solved, he sheds the coveralls and crawls back in the driver's seat. I assume my passenger position and all is well, we are just minus a few dishes!

Once again, we head for Globe (took a different driveway out of the parking lot). We are only a very short distance down the road when we both hear "the noise" again. Now, Mike is really concerned and finds a place to pull over along the roadway. He calls Keith from RTS and is actually able to reach him even though it is a Saturday and Keith is on his way home to Redlands, CA. Keith suggests it could be a plug or wire so, once again Mike checks - foregoing the coveralls this time - I'm sure glad there is OxyClean! Keith contacts the mechanic who did the work and Mike takes a call from Jason while under the front end. Again, he checks everything while Jason directs his actions, from 400 miles away. OK, now, it has to be good!

We are off! And, you guessed it, we are stopped within a few miles because of "THE NOISE". Another call to Keith has him deciding to turn around... Yes, this fellow who owns Redlands Truck Service is so dedicated that he actually turned around and came back 200+ miles - on a Saturday after having been away from home all week! We find the nearest empty lot and wait for him. I did a little shopping and organized some files; Mike was just nervous. When Keith arrived, it was after 6 pm. He had been in contact with the computer programmer who created Ultra Power and has found out that sometimes there is a problem with the particular engine model we have. Within 30 minutes, Keith has re or de programmed the computer and we take it for a drive... ALL IS WELL! We all go for dinner and several drinks; afterwhich Keith decides to stay the night in the lot (all these extra miles have been put on his motorhome).

The next morning, Mike and I leave the lot at 6:30 - there is no movement from Keith's MH. After several miles, we breathe a collective sigh of relief, there is no unusual noise - all is really well...

UNTIL, halfway up a particularly steep climb, we begin to sound like a Harley or a street rod... so, Mike finds a spot to pull over and out come the coveralls - yep, cracked crossover pipe - won't impede our travel, but sounds terrible. So, out comes the aluminum foil and duct tape. We at least made less noise.

When we finally reach Globe, we park at the Apache Gold Casino, unhook the car and go in search of a repair place we can call in the morning - it's Sunday, remember. It is at this point that we realize Globe is not exactly a thriving community and repair places do not appear easy to find. So, being the problem solver he is, Mike heads to the ACE Hardware store, buys a welding kit, puts on the coveralls once again and gets the welding job done in short order.

OK, now we are parked, all is well on the coach, so let's go to the casino...

This picture tells that story.

That should be the end of the story, but alas, it is not. In all his crawling around by the front tires, Mike has realized the sidewalls are really in bad shape. He was concerned before, but now... We have two tires ordered from the Michelin dealer in town and they should be on within a day or two.

Then we will be looking for a trouble free cruise to Indy... where we will be asking for overtime...

You just never know what is around the next curve!


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