Saturday, March 21, 2009


We have spent the last week at our Western Horizons Resort along the Verde River south of Sedona, Arizona. All around us there are signs of spring.
One day we went exploring along the side "paths" looking for hidden treasure.
We drove through creek beds where there was evidence of spring rains (and it was only later that I realized I had also taken my picure).

And the Indian Paint Brush was blooming - a striking red against the desert colors.

We did find the cache, with the help of a kind couple on a 4-wheeler, and we heard the history of this once famous spot. It seems that this was a wayside station for travelers between Camp Verde and the camp at Prescott in the 1860's. Standing there you could almost feel what it was like for those early Arizona visitors on horseback and in wagons.

We took away a good memory and ... some Arizona Pinstripping, which did not make Mike real happy! Luckily, there is a product which cures this problem and the next day, he made them disappear.

One day we decided to go golfing near Sedona - you couldn't find a more scenic place to hit a few balls. It should be noted that on one hole, I did get on in 1, but then it took me 4 more to actually get it in the hole... what a game. This is a par 3 course in Oak Canyon.
The daffodils were blooming.

Trees were blooming. Oh yea, it is definitely Spring!

Another day, we decided to drive to "Cherry". Along highway 260, there is a sign that says, "Cherry 11 miles" and it points directly into the mountains... so how could be resist. We ended up at the top of the mountain and saw some beautiful scenery. This shows the road we took up the mountain.
These are the hills around Sedona from "our mountain" on the Cherry Road. You can see the road we were on in the foreground.

When we got to the top, there was a Prescott National Forest Campground that looked like it had been closed for some time. There were a handfull of houses and small ranches in the area and the road was suddenly wider and tarred. As we drove further, we started to go down the other side of the mountain, it was gravel again and the scenery was very different. It was a very interesting 14 mile drive.

Another day, Mike decided we should go explore the area northeast, towards Flagstaff. There is a lake in that area that looked to be pretty good size and he wanted to check it out. Besides we had never been to Happy Jack - sounds like someplace you should visit, doesn't it... Well, this large swamp is Lake Mund. There were signs to many smaller lakes, but the roads were closed due to spring melt and mud.

Hey Janet, this is a place you may want to work some day. It is the 4th smallest post office in the world and it is in Happy Jack, Arizona.

This motorhome driver must not have been thinking when he pulled off the road and into the spring mud! Sitting inside when we went by, he was no doubt waiting for a tow. Bet that was a bill $$$$ bill.

I don't know if this is a sign of spring, but it is a very familiar site in Arizona.This little fellow greeted us when we went in search of another cache. He was the best part of that adventure.

The finches are cleaning us out of seed on a regular basis. Their song is a true spring sign.
I enjoy trying to get the perfect picture of a finch on a branch - this is only one of dozens I have taken.

YES, it is definitely Spring!


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