Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The "Desert Week"

Every January for the past several years, we spend a week in the desert by Quartzite, Arizona. There are a few rigs and occupants who have been doing this for a dozen years and each year there are a few different people who join the group. Here is a summary in photos.

There is always time for catching up. Here Larry, Barry, and Dan find moment to talk things over. No doubt they are planning what they need to buy - in years past, weedeaters for $3 was one of the bargains... (We have worked with these three at Indy in years past.)

The first night there was an amazing site in the sky - never really figured out what this was... I told the mass of Republicans that it was a celebration of the election!

Every night there was a cocktail hour with wonderful appetizers followed by some of the best potluck food I have ever tasted and then a campfire.

Carol and Archie were the first to arrive this year. After a short stay at the local hospital, Archie was ready to go and shared in most of the meals and campfires.

This year, Dan and Denise joined the group and he entertained us with his original songs and guitar playing. It was good to see Renee and Angelo back this year.

Here Norma and Barbara enjoy a conversation during "cocktail hour".

One day four of us went to Mexico to pick up a few things and near Yuma, we spotted this lettuce picking process in action. They were well into the field and it was only 7:30 in the morning. (If you want to see it closer up, click on the picture to make it larger).

This was not one of our group, but it was our neighbor.

And since we bought a new outdoor rug, they became the proud owners of our old one... one man's trash, etc.

And then the week was over and it was time to leave the desert (and Tweety) behind. Every year this little fellow has been out by the main road to guide us into our spot - we have no idea to whom it belongs, but we did see a camper with lots of Tweety decorations this year so maybe...

And since we decided not to purchase a home in Quartzite...
We headed west to California on the 10 and once again were amazed by the beauty of the land.


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