Monday, January 18, 2010

From Tucson to Quartzsite via The Center of the World...

Since my last entry, we have put on a few miles and had a few adventures. Our friends, Bobbi and David, are now traveling with us; they joined us in Tucson. It is so nice to have another photographer along - now Mike can wait for two of us to focus and shoot...

We enjoyed dinner with Bonnie and Barry one evening at Catalina State Park.

and we got out of the house before 8 and saw the sunrise. Since they arrived, we have seen the sunrise several times... I hope a trend isn't starting...

Just outside of Tucson, on our way to Yuma on Highway 10, David gave us a call and said he needed to pull over. Of course, we were in a construction zone, but we did manage to find an old truckstop ... and three hours later, their trailer had a new wheel bearing and we were once again on the road. Mike has definitely gotten his money's worth from those coveralls!

Once we got to Yuma, we settled into our campground while the Cougar wandered around the countryside, eventually settling about 10 miles from us - tough time of the year to be without reservations. The next day we went to Mexico for meds and booze - the bare essentials! (I actually said that to the customs agent at the border and I got a smile out of him.) And another day, we did the flea market and fruit stands - there are some things that just have to be done when in Yuma.

Then on Saturday, we went on a "tag along" (a bunch of people in Jeeps from our park) to this eating place in the desert. After about 25 miles of dirt roads, we find the spot...

and some spot it was. I enjoyed the sign telling the hours - made perfect sense to me.

They did have very good chilli french fries and lots of dollar bills... in fact there were dollar bills stapled to every available spot inside and outside - it was then I realized the reason for the heavy duty fence.

And they have a variety of signs - this one captured the guys's attention.

When we left, we found a paved road just three miles away... ah, but the journey going in added to the mystic or something like that. On our way back to the main road, we enjoyed watching the antics of young and old on the sand dunes. And then it was time to visit The Official Center of the World. I have reported on this unique spot named Felicity, California in years past. This year we actually paid our $3 each, saw the video blip and then entered the pyrimid and had our official visit witnessed. Yes, we each have certificates proving that we were at the Center of the World. This is the spot.

And here Bobbi is standing on the spot while making her wish... There are more granite tablets now as the history of the world is slowing being recorded by artisans.

I really don't know why I keep visiting this place; it is bizarre. For example, one section in the history of the world talks about the importance of bread in all cutures. OK, I get that. But it is immediately followed by "And Cheese" - a section that talks about the different kinds of cheeses. I am not sure who, I suppose the Frenchman who originally thought of this place, decides what is included, but they definitely have a sense of humor.
Anyway, we have now moved 75 miles north of Yuma and are drycamping in the desert for a week. This is our opportunity to meet up with friends we only see once a year and drink too much, talk smart, eat too much, and find unbelievable crap to buy. (This year, it has rained in the desert, something I have never seen before.) After day two I can report that all of the above list has been satisfied. I can't wait till tomorrow to start over and do it all again!


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