Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quartzsite In The Rear View Mirror

We have moved from the desert of Quartzsite to the Palm Springs area. As usual "Q" was great fun. It was wonderful to see our old friends and to meet new people. The unusual part was the rain. I would never have thought that we would have a rain gauge in the middle of our RV Roundup. But we did and it was full one morning. I did take many pictures of the desert puddles and of our trips into the green hills for some rock hunting and gold mining, but alas, the reception is poor where we currently are staying and I cannot load them. So, you will need to use your imagination.

Since we are now traveling with our northern MN friends, you can also stay in touch through her site:

Mike will be on his own for a few days; I am flying to MN to see family - leaving 70 degrees and going to 20 (if lucky) - gosh, I am not too smart, am I. I am sure that pictures of snow and family will be posted next week.


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