Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Surf, Sand, and Fishing

Every day this past week has been spent enjoying the beaches in the San Diego area. You may have heard about the extremely high tides up by San Francisco that injured many people who were watching a surfing competition. Anyway, we have had some great high tides here but not nearly as fierce as farther north.

These three rock sitters enjoyed an hour of "rock tumbling" at Imperial Beach, just a short bike ride from our campground.

This surfer was making the most of the waves; he did manage to miss the pier! A few years back we witnessed a memorial service for a surfer who did not miss the pier. Seems like a very dangerous area when there are so many other places to enjoy the sport.

On the opposite end of Silver Strand from Imperial Beach is Coronado Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the United States. That is Point Loma across the water.

And today, the boys went charter boat fishing into Mexican waters where they caught dinner! But, I get ahead of myself. All of these pictures were taken by Mike and I am sure you will agree he did a great job of capturing the day. (Yes, David did catch fish, just not when Mike had the camera out... at least that is the story and they are both sticking to it!) This is the pier where they stopped on the way out to get bait - anchovies. The Seals were also there for this delicacy .

One of the crew took this picture of Mike with a couple of the Redrock Cod that he caught. (I think the Alaska sweatshirt brings him good luck)

The fish are cleaned as the boat travels the hour long trip back to shore. The fish guts are thrown overboard and the pelicans are there in great number to capture the left overs. In the first picture you see one pelican actually taking the leftovers out of the mouth of another pelican.

They circle and wait.

And when there is evidence of leftovers in the water, they descend in droves.

Mike proved to be a very fine photographer today. Check out these shots.

Oh yea, and when the guys got home, David cut up the fish, I made mom's famous beer batter, Mike fried 'em up and David sampled. And we all enjoyed a delicious meal - thanks, guys!

Still lovin' the area!


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