Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Bobby Geldner Touched Many Lives"

This is what our neighbor here at the lake, Curt Tolzin, wrote in an editorial in the Mankato Free Press; I will copy his words because I could not say it any better.

"Once in awhile, during your lifetime, you witness an event that speaks for itself. Such was the tribute and the respect paid to Bobby Geldner at his wake and funeral. Bobby was not a politician or an individual who held public office or a person of great monetary wealth, but he touched many lives in his short stay on earth.

Bobby was considered a "true" friend by most individuals he knew and dealt with, always giving and smiling at the same time and you knew it was from his big heart. When an individual has more than 600 people attending his wake and another 200 jockeying for a seat in a small country church for his funeral, that in itself is a testament to his personality and stature in this community.

He will be sadly missed, not only by his family, but his friends and neighbors. We all considered it a blessing for having known Bobby, for being who he was, and for allowing us the privilege to have counted him as a true friend.

Bob's Final Ride

Goodbye Friend.

You will always live in our hearts and in our memories.


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