Sunday, March 20, 2011

SPRING Has Sprung...

and flowers are abundant in southern California. Everywhere we go, there is a new something or other bursting forth with color.

If you are "allergic" to buds and blooms, this post may cause nausea.
(You may want to scroll right to the end where you will see some animal life)

This azalea bush is right next to the motorhome.

When you turn onto the road where the park is located these "backyard flowers" greet you.

All of these blooms were spotted on an early morning walk around the park. The roses were just about to open.

The yellow buds create lots and lots and lots of pollen - no idea what kind of bush it is.

Yellow poppies are California's state flower and they are definitely pushing through the long grass.

These vibrant pink bell shaped flowers

grow on this bush - don't know what they are either...
This is the bloom of a bottle brush tree - yes, that is the real name... Mike and I call it a pot brush tree.

Daisy like flowers adorn this 3 foot by 4 foot shrub - is there such a thing as a daisy bush?

These were just starting to come from a green mass of foliage.

These delicate little blooms are on a huge bush with shiny green leaves.
The purple statice could be seen everwhere for the last couple of weeks.

This wild rose had just been given nurishment; the sprinkling system works well around the park and it is all reclaimed water.
These buds are on a big tree,

these are on a smaller bushlike tree,

and this looks like a fruit tree of some kind.

Later in the day, we went to Old Town San Diego and there were more blooms. These lupines

grow from a big plant... not like the ones you see "up north" in the summer.

Mom's favorite flower that she grows in pots in the summer, grows as trees here.

And they were everywhere in Old Town

and in different colors.

These trumpet flowers were climbing the side of a building
and the orchid tree stood 15 feet fall - what sites to behold.

So, if you now sick of flowers check out these other signs that Spring has Sprung.
Singles are looking.

These guys apparently all fell for the same girl. Last week we enjoyed watching this pursuit but never did find out who was victorious.

This Mr. Wood Duck is hanging close to home.

Couples are everywhere.

Even the dolphins are jumping for joy that Spring is finally here.

Hope your Spring is in full bloom!
(Mom tells me that in Minnesota the tulips are up a couple of inches... that's a good sign!)


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