Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Month of Happenings

Oh Gosh, I just realized that I have not posted for nearly a month.  We have been busy and life is good.  Here are some of the highlights. 

We had dinner one night with Lonnie and Leeann; he makes the best coleslaw.  We taught them how to play the card game, Golf, and it is one of the few times I have ever seen Lee lose.  It was fun to connect with these longtime friends.  And another night, we had dinner at Mel and Louise' home.  There we also played Golf and there we enjoyed the world's best 3 ingredient Key Lime Pie. 

Suz came down for the weekend before Independence day.  It was hot as could be so we didn't get out on the lake and sadly enough, I never even took out my camera.  Corky came over one afternoon and we did enjoy several "Beergaritas".  If you haven't had one, I can tell you that they are refreshing and have a tendency to sneak up on you.  I can also tell you that there is nothing worse than sobering up during Bingo...  Debbie, you have to try these!~

Recipe for Beergaritas

Fill your blender with ice. 
Add 1/3 container of frozen Limeade
Same amount of Tequila
Blend well and then add
1 can of beer and blend a few seconds.


Bonnie and I spent a couple of days together; doing some research into her family history.  On one of these excursions, we were in the LeSeuer Court House and looking in a book from the early 1900's.  I found the label in the front of the book most fascinating.  Enlarge this and you will be able to see that it is a picture of "The new 12 story Pioneer Press Building".  Evidently, they were the publisher of the ledger.

We met up with the boys at Madison Lake; they enjoyed being on the water but didn't have any luck catching fish.

 One day, we took the back roads on our way to a Doctor appt. in The Cities and encountered these two orphaned cuties. 
 This one lingered in the ditch.

We celebrated Corky's milestone birthday.  I know the cake looks a little strange but what do you make for a woman who is carb-free...

Amariah came to spend a day and night with us.  She and Opa enjoyed trips to the lake and Am learned to cast...

I made waffles for breakfast - they were homemade and not Eggo so Am was not impressed - but she loved the whip cream topping.

One day this past week, we took a drive to Iowa.  Ever since mom's auction last July, I have regretted not buying "the ruby red plate".  So, I contacted the auctioneer who put me in contact with the buyer (who lives 80 miles south of Rochester near Spillville, Iowa) so we took a drive and I now own the plate and the ruby candle holders that match it.  Anyway, in the area there is an old stone church that dates to 1861.  We spend a bit of time wandering around the church and cemetery.  In the cemetery there was a child's grave from the mid 1800's that said, "Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven".  We have seen many graves for young children, but this is the first time we encountered that passage.

Mike has golfed a couple of times with the Old Farts group and my "writer's group" continues to meet every couple of weeks. 

We have been suffering from the heat so have only been on the lake once or twice.  One of these times was with Pam and her family.  It was a joy to spend time with them! 

Our motor home is currently in the process of getting some hail damage repaired so we have spent a few days in a motel - I missed my home!  As I write this, we are parked in the lot at the repair shop - doesn't matter where we are parked as long as we can be in it!

It has been a good month and I will try to post a little more frequently.  Till then...