Sunday, December 21, 2008

Blustery and Beautiful

"Blustery" - now that is an old fashioned Minnesota word. I wonder if other areas of the country get blustery? It means blowing and snowing and not fit for man nor beast - at least I think that is what it means. Since we have been in MN, it has been blustery; it has snowed more than 15 inches and winds have been strong.

Another definitely Minnesota word is "Windchill" and by gosh I could live a lifetime without hearing that word again. The last few days have really been in the deep freeze. It is a treat when we hit double digits (as in 10 degrees above zero) and recently that has been rare. The windchill when we awoke this morning was 30 degrees below zero. But, these MN folks who don't go south for the winter are hardy people; at 7:00 am two neighbor men were out blowing the snow from their driveways. So as not to be outdone, Mike was out the door by 7:30.

Trust me, he is there somewhere under the stocking cap and scarves. This is mom's driveway he is trying to clear; the main street is behind him.

This was the view from the upstairs window outside of our bedroom this morning. It really makes you want to get up, doesn't it.
After a lazy morning (it was too cold for church), and getting a crock pot of stew ready for supper, it was time for me to get some air so I convinced Mike to go for a drive (love that Jeep) around some of the country roads. Most of them were in fairly good driving condition, just a little snow covered.

This may look like meringue on lemon pie, but is really snow sculpture in an open field.

Wind does amazing things to the snow; each snow fall recently has been dry and fluffy stuff - it is too cold for the snowman making kind.

Farmers think of wildlife during the winter; this one put out corn in the middle of a field.

Dan, I always think of you when I see hay bales... so this one is for you - look closely, you can see the snow blowing around...
and next to the bales an old building sits in silhouette on the frozen field.
The "sundogs" were evident all day today. For those of you who don't know, sundogs are parenthesis for the sun on really really cold days. They look like mini rainbows some days. In the picture above, you see one on the left side of the sun and below is a really clear picture of one.
So, on to warmer thoughts.
Yesterday, we had a wonderful day. In the morning, we visited with Sis and Mike in Eagle Lake, MN. These friends we do not see often, but think of alot. Their new home is very warm and welcoming and we enjoyed talking and seeing these special people. Unfortunately, we are going in two different directions once Christmas is over; they are heading to Texas again, but we hope to catch up with each other in the spring.
For lunch, we joined Rich and Adrienne at their condo in St. Peter. As usual, Ade has outdone herself with decorating and it was a delight to be welcomed into their festive home. Rich made a fabulous seafood dish, we shared wine and discoved chocolate covered cherry kisses AND we played cards. I'm afraid Rich was stuck with me, so he didn't come out on the winning end of the deal... but we did have fun! As the wind blew and the snow flew against the window, we laughed and enjoyed one another's company. When it came time to leave, the snow was piled so high in front of the door, we couldn't get out - had to use the garage entrance. The drive home was fun in the Jeep; a few pillow drifts across the road and very manageable.
Thanks to Sis and Mike, and Rich and Adrienne for giving us a wonderful Saturday.

I wonder what the forecast is for Christmas... one thing for sure, it will be a white one this year!


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