Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We're Home For The Holidays!

We have now moved into mom's house, my childhood home, for the next three weeks. On Sunday morning, we winterized the motorhome, packed up the Christmas presents and our Santa hats and headed north. It was 66 degrees when we left. In Kansas, the temperature dropped 20 degrees in 12 miles and it continued to fall. When we hit the Minnesota border, it was zero and -4 when we got to mom's.

This was the frosty view from the window when we woke up on Monday. By that time, it was 7 degrees below zero. We are definitely not used to this stuff!

But, inside, it was very warm and cozy. Mom was busy grinding up the ingredients for those delicious date filled cookies. (She really doesn't cook in a santa hat, but I think she looks good in it.)
And there is something pretty special about coming downstairs to a breakfast table lit with candlelight... yes, the cinnamon rolls were in the oven.
I do realize how privileged I am to have my mom and to have her still living in our family home - it is hard to believe that she will be 90 years old in just a couple of weeks. (Sue, her birthday is the day after yours.)

Today we went to St. Peter to do a couple of errands and then to Mankato to see Kaci and Amariah. We had a couple of early presents we needed to deliver. Grandma Janet was babysitting when we got there and neither she or Ammer were feeling really good. Nonetheless, I had to get a couple of pictures.

Ammer wasn't really too sure why no one was saying "no" when she was ripping the paper.

Great Gramps' day was made when he got a chance to hold her.
When we left Mankato, we found very snowy roads and rather miserable driving conditions. But, we discovered that the ESP on our Jeep really does work. It somehow senses if the tires are sliding and adjusts. Anyhow, we are safe at home ... for Christmas!

Oh, I almost forgot...

There was a remarkable full moon the night before we left Branson. For some reason, it was the brightest and biggest it has been since 1993; hope you saw it.


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