Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fish Beds, VBS, and Family

OK, I know that those topics are not related in any way, but it is what was on my mind this week. Did you know that fish actually make "beds" when they are spawning; it is where they lay their eggs. When Mike pointed these out to me, I was amazed. It seems they brush away the sand with their tail until they get to the rocky surface. I hope you can see these beds that we found by the dock on Lake Jefferson.

Last week, Mike and I had the opportunity to teach Vacation Bible School and we both enjoyed ourselves. There were about 40 kids who attended and we got to work with all the kids as we did the games portion of the evening. The theme was Discovery Canyon so we did all kinds of things pertaining to exploration and discovery. I actually had Mike go over to the brush pile with me and make 30 walking sticks for the older groups of kids. Here we are with the older kids.
And the middle group... Thank heavens for a good "escort" for this group!

And then the preschool, kindergarten, first and second graders... they provided a great deal of entertainment! Is it my imagination or does Mike look a little frazzled in this picture???

Since last week was a week in which Mike's mom was experiencing some difficulties with health and aging, and we spent a lot of time at the hospital, VBS in the evening was a blessing.

Mike had a birthday this past weekend so the kids and grandkids (except Ashley in SD) and one great grand came out for a picnic on Sunday. This family will not pose for pictures willingly or sit at the table to eat, but that doesn't deter me from taking a food picture anyway...
After all the chocolate covered strawberries were gone, some family relaxing was in order. Mac just enjoyed the surroundings. Tammy and Megan went for a ride on the pond. The "boys" challenged grandson Chris and Mike to horseshoes. Janet, Kaci and I took a walk with Amariah to check out the flowers. A wild iris was in bloom. And this was the contented look of Ammer as she rode on Grandma Janet's shoulders.

Mike enjoyed the time with family - a great way to spend a few hours on a beautiful MN summer day.


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