Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just Another Day

One day this week, we decided to pack our lawn chairs, some lunch, and the fishing equipment and head for a stream about an hours drive away. About 20miles from home we came across a road we hadn't been on ... the sign said it ended at a reservoir so of course we changed our plans and took a left. Turns out this road winds in and out of ZION National Park. There were beautiful vistas... redwood trees framing the vistas,

And even farmland in some places.

And then as the elevation increased, the road narrowed to one plowed lane - yep, that is lots of snow. We went from 84 degrees when we left home to 48 in just an hour's drive.

Seems that this road is a snowmobile trail in the winter and just recently there was one lane plowed for those who have seasonal homes in the area. We never made it to the end, the reservoir, as the road was completly blocked and the snow still several feet deep.
So, by now it is noon and we turn around and head for that fishing stream. We ate lunch as we drove through Zion on the main road and of course I had to take a few pictures. The sky was rapidly changing and made for great contrast.

At about 2:00 we got to the turn off for the stream, caught sight of a golf course, stopped and found out it was only $10 for 9 holes and decided to play golf instead. By 3:30, we were on our way home. Just another day - well planned and changed on a whim.


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