Friday, September 03, 2010

A Day At The Great Minnesota Get Together

September 2nd started as an overcast rainy day with an expected high temperature of around 70 degrees - a perfect day for the Minnesota State Fair! We left the park at 7 a.m. and arrived at the fairgrounds close to 9. We parked the car at a church parking lot a few blocks away and took the free shuttle bus; a wonderful alternative to fighting the traffic and paying the prices around the fairgrounds.

The skys were cloudy and the air was cool, but the sights and sounds were welcoming and there was no rain.
Our first stop, of course, was the food booth for scones... but they were not there! In a state of panic, we went to the WCCO booth for bags thinking we might have to settle for the bakery across the street.

Alas, the scone people had moved to a new location last year when a bigger facility became available; thank heavens we didn't have to go without these tasty traditions. Top these babies with a ladle of sweetened cream cheese and lots of peaches ... YUM!

And then it was time for activities - Mike spotted Miss Minnesota and she was kind enough to pose for a picture with him. She encouraged him to watch the Miss Universe pageant in January; he assured her he would be cheering for her.

Bobbi spotted her favorite weatherman from Channel 9, Kieth Marler, and with some encouragement, she joined him for a picture.

It was then time for the boys to go in one direction and for us girls to enjoy the shopping! After a stop at the Grandstand to get rings cleaned, buy a couple of trinkets, a calendar, and a present or two, and try on a pair of sandals, it was time to head over to the DNA booth and check out its offerings. Finding nothing we couldn't live without, we headed to the children's barnyard to see the new babies. With fuzzy baby chicks brand new to the world, and lots and lots of baby bacon,

we had no problem amusing ourselves for awhile.

Around noon, we rejoined the boys and found more food. and then hit the streets which were now filled with people enjoying a cool day at the fair.

The rest of the day found us doing what we have always done at the fair, sitting around and watching people,
visiting Mike's favorite spot,

and checking out more food booths.

For six hours this past Tuesday, we worked in this booth.

My cousin and husband are owners of this endeavor and I volunteered us to help out this year since he is not well. Well, two things came out of that activity; I promised to never volunteer Mike for any work again AND I decided I no longer want to work at the fairgrounds ... OK, I still secretly have the urge to work as a parking lot attendant, but I may have to control it. Oh, and another thing happened... we have new respect for all the kids who do work in these stands for as many as 12 hours a day!

After a stop to buy denim shirts and another at the Watkins booth for cinnamon, and liniment to "cure" my achy knees, we headed out around 4.

It was a wonderful day at one of my favorite Minnesota events!


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