Tuesday, August 07, 2012

OMG ... It Is Already August

I really don't know where time goes... but it surely does disappear quickly when we are in Minnesota!  We haven't spent near enough time with grandson, Chris and great grandson, Aiden .  When they visited recently, the bike was along - Aiden is definitely giving dad they eye when Chris decides to try it out for size... 

 Now this is the face of JOY.

Aiden is getting close to mastering the pedals; it will probably happen just before the bike gets put away for the winter.

Another day, we entertained Adrienne and Rich and Bonnie and Barry; interesting conversation and good company! 

We were out to Lael and Doug's the other day for what she called a "simple supper" - well it may have been simple but it was delicious!  Today, we golfed with them in Montgomery - only the second time I have been on a golf course this entire summer.

And, of course, we participated in Vacation Bible School again this year.  Each year I learn far more than the kids.  Since the theme this year focused on the story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well and the concept of Living Water, we enjoyed a final evening of water games.  Mike joined right in with the boys... once a kid, always a kid!

He was drenched and actually stripped down to his undies to drive home - Can you imagine if we would have gotten stopped for some reason...

We have also been busy cleaning, sorting and organizing.  Mike bought a few plastic containers with drawers and organized all of his tools - looked so good that I got some of my own plastic and the canned goods and extra supplies are all now tucked away nice and neat.  Mike has also changed the oil in both vehicles and I have cleaned 2 more inside cabinets.  Seems that whenever it gets to this time of the year we both feel the need to get ready for our travels.

Whitey and Jeanne have delivered tomatoes a couple of times so I canned those and when I found a good deal on peaches, I canned 8 pints of those as well. 

As you can see, we haven't been sitting around much.  We are looking forward to a weekend trip this weekend with Rich and Anita and a 3-day river cruise and then our good friend, Larry, is coming to visit for a week of fishing and touring.  More on all of those events in coming weeks. 

Stay well and travel safely!