Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Every year since we have done a blog, I have done a Christmas entry so I will continue the tradition, but it will be short and without pictures.  I think Mike would join me in saying that the last few weeks have been an emotional extravaganza. 

Shootings at an elementary school - we could make no sense of it - who could... since I spent my entire career in an elementary school, it hit too close... and then with all this joyous "crap" about Christmas... it just didn't seem to mesh, still doesn't - for days I just could not watch the news.  I don't know if avoidance is a healthy way to handle stuff but sometimes it works.

On December 18th, we participated in an Outreach to Mexico.  A couple from the RV park in which we stay in Yuma has been involved in mission work in Algodones Mexico for 11 years. At Christmas each year, they distribute quilts and hats, handmade by park members and friends, and toys to families.  We decided to go along... I kinda thought it would do my heart good.  Well, what we experienced changed us.  To say that the need is tremendous is an understatement.  One little old lady to whom we delivered a handknit blanket and cap, kept asking if we would bring cardboard... that is what she needs most as that is what her home is made of and the temperature was dropping to the low 30's.  She invited us in to her home and showed us where more cardboard was needed...And then the children - the looks in the eyes... Enough for now, you will hear much more about this experience when I have the pictures to show you.

On December 20th, the fiance of our granddaughter Megan was killed in a car accident.  We immediately wanted to go to South Dakota and be with her, and then we thought "what can we do" and changed our minds and then Mike's son, Brian (Megan'sdad) reached out and within 2 hours the car was packed and we were headed for Corsica, South Dakota and that is where we are now.  After a 1700 mile drive, we were able to hold Megan, and we knew we were where we were supposed to be.  Tomorrow we will attend the funeral for Jake, a young man we did not know very well, a young man  who made Megan very happy, a young man of only 23 years of age...

Yes, we attended Christmas Eve candlelight services - stopped early last night in Lexington, Nebraska and yes, Christmas is still my very favorite time of the year - we have a homemade ornamnent from Amariah hanging from the mirror in the car along with a carved nativity cross, but this has certainly not been a typical Christmas Season.

This Christmas Season, I have not only celebrated the Birth of Jesus, but I have been stretched and my faith has been pulled... and I like to think it will make me a better person in 2013... I hope so anyway...

So, to each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.