Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zion National Park

We have now been in St. George, Utah (in the southwest corner of the state) for just over a week. In that time, we have fallen in love with the area. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but we actually found an ELCA Church (not an easy thing to do in Utah). Today, Mike actually said "There are open houses in that development, we could look." - that shocked me... No, we didn't look but we have found several campgrounds at which to stay for return visits.

Anyway, on to Zion National Park. I have to tell you that the first time we visited the park, we were less than thrilled. After April 1, they have a shuttle service in and out which greatly restricted our independence - had to park the car a few miles away in town. In addition to that, we made the mistake of going during Easter week when every family with 2 or 3 wives and a dozen kids were also there - on the bus (not offering to give up their seats) and at every trailhead and overlook. But then, we took route 9 through the park and realized its beauty. I still think it is a bit overrated but probably because it has been around so long - 100 years old this year.

The Virgin River runs through the park and each viewpoint is focused around the river.

At The Lodge stop, I decided to take a trail and visit a waterfall... imagine my disappointment when 1.2 miles later, I discover a trickle coming from 50 feet and falling into a "emerald pond" that looked like a mud hole...

This was the start of that doomed "waterfall walk". I do believe Mike had a better time back at the lodge, relaxing on the old leather couch!

Along the road, a few days later, I spotted Indian Paintbrush growing out of a rock; it is amazing how these things take root with so little soil.
The road offered far reaching views at each turnout.
The striped rocks were in evidence each way we turned.

Overall, the driving route through the park was beautiful; we even returned a few days later.


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