Thursday, April 16, 2009

Odds and Ends

This is what lies across the road from our campground. It is a state recreation area and on Easter Sunday the place was full of families celebrating. It is a great place for walks.

These beauties are eating us out of house and home in one more location. Our new feeder seems to attract birds no matter where we are.

We went to Las Vegas one day last week (only about 120 miles from St. George) to see Jim and Monica who had flown in from Florida to spend some time with Barb and Lanning from Minnesota. Jim got a bug, or some bad food, so we ended up enjoying the time without him. Binions still has the million and they were running a promotion - No, I didn't win it, but it felt good to be that close to it.

This is a one year picture of our precious little great granddaughter Amariah. (She is neither an odd or an end, but I really wanted to share the picture.) Thanks, Janet, for emailing pics regularly.

Along Utah highway 89, we saw this gem. It was parked at an RV Park... definitely an attention grabber. Bob, give you any ideas? You must have a old truck around somewhere... and with the sawmill handy...


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