Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We're In Comfort!

Comfort, Texas is our home for the next three weeks. We arrived today just in time to catch the last of the heat wave. It was 89 degrees today with very high humidity; felt like 95! It is suppose to return to a more seasonal 75 by the weekend. In the meantime, we are running the air conditioning with the same intensity that we ran the heater two nights ago...

Let me tell you about the trip. We violated one of our major rules and drove the majority of the way on Interstate 35. Since retiring, we have been avoiding interstates and trying to stick to more of the side roads; they really provide a much better view of this country. Anyway, it was raining or misting and cold all the way to Oklahoma City so we just took the quickest route. This is our view of that city.

Once we left I35, we ran through some very interesting towns on Texas 281, a very good state road, actually it is in better shape than the freeway. I love the old towns and the great architecture. Check out the "Kress" bldg. in the second picture; didn't they use to be all over?

I know I am in Texas - the Ewings are working here!
And I feel right at home. In Lampasas, they are selling the same canned goods I prepared this summer... well, I didn't can Okra, but lots of the other stuff.
Since this is our first trip to Texas, I am confident there will be many entrees about our adventures. In the meantime, I hope it cools off a little... can't believe I'm saying that!


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