Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Cave Without A Name

One day this past week, we decided to take a drive to Boerne (pronounced Bernie although I really can't figure out why) and check out a cave that I had seen advertised in the laundromat (the best place to find travel tips). It turned out to be a fabulous day to visit as it had just rained and the floor of the cave was afloat with wonderful reflections. Check out some of the hundred pictures I took.

This was the hole through which the first explorers of the cave made their entrance; the rancher noticed that goats and sheep were missing. Our guide told us that skeletons of many species were found by archeologists who explored the cave.

This was the first room we entered after walking down the equivalent of 8 flights of stairs; coming up was the hard part.

From the small droplets of water to the larger formations

to the huge structures, the cave was filled with mystery at every turn.

This is Father Christmas.

I loved these "curtains".

Oh and yes, it really is a cave without a name.
It seems that in the 40's, they held a contest to see what the cave should be named and a young boy submitted this name as "it is just too pretty for a name". I agree with that kid.


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